
Amazon, Cambridge, United Kingdom | Applied Scientist Intern, Sep 2024 – Feb 2025

Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland | Research Assistant, Aug 2021 – Present

Project: Neural Architectures for Speech Technology (NAST)

Supervisor: Dr. Phil Garner

Center for Speech and Language Technologies (CSLT), Tsinghua University | Research Student, Mar 2019 – Aug 2020


  • Speech enhancement with Flow-based models
  • Continual learning for speech recognition
  • CN-Celeb dataset automatic collection pipeline

Supervisor: Associate Professor Dong Wang


École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne | 2021 – 2025

Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering

Section SEL – STI – School of Engineering

Tsinghua University | 2017 – 2021

B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering and Automation

Department of Electrical Engineering



  • Programming: heavily using Python, familiar with C, C++, Java, MATLAB.
  • Toolkits: heavily using PyTorch and related ML toolkits.

Used before:

  • Programming
    • Compiled: C, C++, Java
    • Script: Python, MATLAB, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    • HDL: Verilog HDL
    • Other: LaTeX, SQL
  • Toolkits
    • Machine Learning: PyTorch, Keras, Scikit-learn, Kaldi
    • Web: Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Vue.js


  • Academic Excellence Award, Tsinghua University | 2018 – 2019